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プラダを着た悪魔 [ (オリジナル・サウンドトラック) ]のレビューは!?

30代 男性さん

映画も良かったけど、 曲も良かったです(*´ -`) 洋楽あまり聞かない私でも 『U2』の名前くらい知ってたり@@

30代 女性さん

映画を観て欲しいと思ったので購入しました。 気分を上げたい時にもってこいのアルバムだと思います。

20代 女性さん

40代 男性さん
おとくな一枚です。 わたしは、映画DVDも購入しました! なお、映画の冒頭にかかる曲は入っていません。(歌手本人のCDを買わないといけないみたい。) 久々に、サントラっていいなって思いました!


30代 女性さん
映画を見てこのサントラを欲しくなり購入しました。 映画も良かったし、CDも良い感じだと思います。

30代 男性さん
【The Devil Wears Prada is Unfashionably Funny & Unfashionably Deep】 This was a really gr8 movie. There were some very funny moments. I know that I wouldnt want to work for Miranda, but it was very funny to see Andy scrambling around town. Also, I really enjoyed Andy's interactions with Nigel. I especially found the reactions of Andy's friends to be very immature at times. In one scene, Andy brings her friends gifts- items like a designer purse and cologne that Miranda has no use for. It seems to me that Andy’s friends have taken jobs merely so that they can pay the rent. Andy, on the other hand, is trying to establish a career. As I recall, Miranda was much more over the top in the book. They seemed to have toned her character down; or perhaps Im simply getting older and wiser. Either way, I found it very easy to empathize with Miranda. Hathaway and Streep were both excellent choices for the roles of Andy and Miranda. I also enjoyed Tucci’s performance as Nigel- he definitely has some great moments with Andy. Finally, I also liked Emily Blunt's performance as Emily, Miranda's first assistant and Andy's "rival" of sorts. I was lessthan thrilled with the performances by Andy's friends. Im a big fan of Grenier's work in Entourage, but he was a little too sulky and sullen in this movie as boyfriend Nate. Andy's friend Lilly (played by Tracie Thoms) was way too old to be fresh out of college. She was completely unbelievable. I actually enjoyed Andy's friend Doug (Rich Sommer)- he was very sweet, and had lots of questions for Andy about her job and the industry in general. Unfortunately, his character is not very well explored. Despite its flaws, I still highly recommend The Devil Wears Prada. It is an ideal summer movie- light and amusing. It probably won't win any Academy Awards, but you will enjoy your two hours at the cinema.+++++ Great acting, good script, nice soundtrack.!!!!

30代 男性さん
映画を観て、早速購入。 映画のシーンが甦ります。